The Silent Touch of Shadows by Christina Courtenay

Sibell’s husband was killed in 1459 and she was then forced to move back with her abusive father and brothers until they signed the deal for her re-marriage to a man old enough to be her grandfather. Sir Roger meets Sibell whilst he is on his quest to get his real father to acknowledge his existence and inheritance. Despite the odds, they fall very much in love but will they ever be together?
Through ghosts and love the two worlds merge into the here and now however will Melissa be at peace until it’s resolved once and for all?. Primarily this is a love story, first and foremost and as readers have come to expect from Choc Lit its all credible and the reader knows there is going to be a happy ever after ending. The journey to get there is enjoyable, intriguing and enlightening.
Christina Courtenay must either study a thesaurus or she goes to bed with one. Some of the vocabulary in this story is wonderfully unique and delicious. Words such as sweeting, melee, guffaw, doppelganger to name just a few. The story is well written and delivered including the end that if it were a chocolate bar would be satisfying and silky all at the same time.
The Commuting Bookworm 26/06/12