Kaz Elmore has allowed her 5 year old daughter to go on an access visit to the US to spend time with her father, Kaz’s ex-husband. There is a tragic accident and Jamie, Kaz’s daughter is pronounced as dead at the scene.
Devlin a Security Consultant happens to be driving by and cradles a little girl whilst she dies in a car crash, on a visit to the UK he feels compelled to visit the mother Kaz and offer his condolences and reassurance that her daughter did not suffer.
Without too many spoilers we then follow the story to Italy , Germany , we have family skeletons, a protégée, and many surprises. At no point whilst reading this book is it possible to predict what is coming.
Brilliant book, and if you only buy one book this month I would recommend that this is the one.
The Commuting Bookworm 15/03/12
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