Police, Crime & 999 by John Donoghue
I was kindly sent a copy of this book by the author, however this in no way has influenced my review.
I found this book to be laugh out load funny in many places, John has a very wicked sense of humour and this comes out in his reminiscence of situations he has found himself in, whilst on duty as a Police constable some where up north in the UK.
Because of his location, I found some of the stereo types of people quite sad, but I do know from personal experience they are probably very true. I’m sure he has cleaned up many of the stories so that they do not cause offence and to protect the innocent (and those that could influence his career).
A well written book that has been written in a narrative form and therefore sometimes John does digress, and you feel like you want to prod him back on track of his original story. However, this is a trait that so many ex-solders have, and it’s a bit endearing and reminds me of sitting in the pub listening to my dads (also ex-solder) stories. Because each chapter is a separate incidence, this is a great book for having by your bed side or in the bathroom as it is perfect for dipping in and out of when you only have a few minutes to read.
The Commuting Bookworm 04/09/12
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